Bridging the Tree Seed Supply Gap to Accelerate Restoration and Conservation in the Great Rift Valley and Rusizi Basin

Planting trees is one of the most cost-effective and impactful solutions for carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, and landscape resiliency. Funding enables CIFOR-ICRAF to improve tree seed and seedling supply systems needed to achieve ambitious restoration goals.

CIFOR-ICRAF’s work contributes to restoration goals globally. In Yangambi, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, its work has led to more than 2 million trees planted and 2,300 hectares of land restored since 2019. (Photo Credit: Axel Fassio / CIFOR-ICRAF)

To meet ambitious global restoration goals and the goal of the African Union to restore 100 million hectares of degraded land by 2030, there is a critical need to close the current tree seed supply gap constraining landscape restoration across the continent. The diversity and genetic quality of tree seeds and seedlings currently used for restoration efforts are lacking, and this project boosts access to high quality, diverse, and climate-resilient seeds to be used for tree planting within the restoration movement. 

This project also focuses on bridging the information gap within the tree seed sector by delivering technical assistance to 200 community organizations and NGOs, as well as hosting quality seed trainings for 100 government and community-based specialists. Knowledge transfer on the proper use of tree seeds for restoration is in lockstep with access to the right seed resources to effectively accelerate the restoration and conservation movements in Africa.

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