Delivering Technical Assistance for African Restoration Markets Readiness

Building a restoration economy requires commercial scale-up. Regeneration will provide investment readiness programs for restoration champions to grow their commercial enterprises.

Regeneration’s Rebuild Facility is a returnable grant facility that supports economically and environmentally sustainable businesses in the specialty coffee and cocoa sectors. For example, Rebuild financed the purchase of specialty coffee from the Kaffa region in Ethiopia, otherwise known as the birthplace of wild Arabica coffee. (Photo Credit: Rebuild Story maps, Regeneration)

Regeneration, a partnership of Palladium and Systemiq, builds value chains for commodities produced through reforestation, and has mobilized over $1 billion in private capital channeled into forests and sustainable land use to date. 

Through this project, Regeneration provides commercial development capacity building to empower 13-14 restoration champions selected from the TerraFund AFR100 portfolio in the Great Rift Valley and Rusizi Basin. 

Managing 6,000+ hectares of land, restoration champions work toward commercial scale-up and mobilize an estimated $9 million in private finance through Regeneration’s network. The markets readiness technical assistance program supports standout companies in the restoration sector deliver long-term environmental and economic benefits.

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