Restoring Plot Land, Growing Agribusiness Infrastructure & Training in Atlanta

(Photo credit: On Da Farm)

In cities with a long history of systemic racism and civil rights violations, empowering Black residents to reconnect with the land in their communities is a critical step toward reparation for past economic and environmental injustice. 

Despite its status as a majority-Black city, Atlanta’s legacy of slavery, sharecropping, and forced removal has had a lasting adverse effect on Black residents’ ability to access local food systems and find economic opportunity in their communities.

With support from the Bezos Earth Fund, On Da Farm, an urban farming organization that promotes regenerative agriculture practices, the reclamation of ancestral agricultural systems, and a variety of food justice initiatives, will expand its reach, both in terms of acquiring additional land for agricultural remediation and in growing its agricultural training and workforce development programs.

Funding will support the planting and cultivation of wildlife habitat, native plants, fruit trees, and urban farms, housing for agribusiness workforce development apprentices, and the training of 40 new farmers and 12 farmer apprentices. On Da Farm also anticipates producing enough healthy produce to supply 1,500 families with healthy dietary options through their weekly farmers market.

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