Ensuring Marine Biosecurity in Costa Rica’s Cocos Island

Hammerhead sharks and various types of fish swim above rocky reefs near Cocos Island, Costa Rica.
Hammerhead sharks and various types of fish swim above rocky reefs near Cocos Island, Costa Rica. (Photo credit: Getty / Pep Manz)

Among the various threats to marine ecosystems in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Marine Corridor, non-native species pose a unique risk. The potential impact of non-native species in and around Cocos Island still needs to be fully understood, leaving policymakers needing evidence-based data to ensure the efficacy of management plans. To help ensure the productive management of the MPAs and protect the natural capital of this ecosystem, the Bezos Earth fund granted $100,000 to Friends of the Charles Darwin Foundation through Re:Wild. The grant enables research of non-native marine species, creating risk assessments, shared tools, resources, and biosecurity protocols to mitigate their impact for Cocos Island and the region.

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