Strengthening Conservation of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Marine Corridor

Fish swim over coral near Malpelo Island.
Fish swim over coral near Malpelo Island. (Photo credit: Shutterstock / Martin Prochazkacz)

The Eastern Tropical Pacific Marine Corridor is a regional conservation and sustainable use initiative aimed at ecosystem-based biodiversity and marine and coastal resource management. The overall purpose of the corridor is to establish a joint management system (including stakeholder countries’ governments) for the marine protected areas in Coco, Coiba, Malpelo, Gorgona and Galápagos Islands. The management system focuses on sustainable conservation and use of biodiversity and marine and coastal resources in the Eastern Tropical Pacific region. To grow the management of the corridor, the Bezos Earth Fund granted $140,000 to Fundación Natura through Re:wild. This grant increases the Pro Tempore Secretariat’s capacities by enabling the onboarding of a technical coordinator and administration technical assistant.

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